My Answer Is NO. . . If That's OK With You - My Answer Is NO. . . If That's OK With You


Reviews for My Answer Is NO....
If That's Okay with You


September 2015:
Dr. Gartrell was interviewed for the article, The Benefits of Saying No, in the University of Phoenix Alumni Magazine.

July 12, 2010:
Dr. Gartrell was featured in Just say 'no': Learn to turn down requests, an article in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

June 15, 2010:
Dr. Gartrell was profiled and interviewed on the Stanford Alumni Blog.

July/August 2008:
Dr. Gartrell was featured in Just Say No, an article for My Midwest Inflight Magazine.

July 14, 2008:
Dr. Gartrell was quoted in Me Time: How to Take Charge of Your Life, an article on

March 10, 2008: Seattle Post Intelligencer
Women shouldn't beat themselves up for hating to say no, therapist says. Many women -- even high-powered professionals -- dread saying no, then berate themselves for being wimps. Instead, they should learn to appreciate that women have a different way of "no-ing," says therapist-author Nanette Gartrell. Read the full article.

March 3, 2008:
How to Say NO at Work . . . and Still Get Ahead: It's Easier than Many Women Might Think, op ed piece based on Chapter Six in the book, written by Dr. Gartrell for the Christian Science Monitor.

Feburary 7, 2008:
MY ANSWER IS NO... became one of four books featured in USA Today's Book roundup: Self-help titles.

January 27, 2008:
MY ANSWER IS NO... debuted at #7 on SF Chronicle's non-fiction Bay Area best-seller list.


Read an article written by Dr. Gartrell published in the San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday, April 13, 2008.

Take a quiz written by Robynne Boyd on AOL that was developed from an interview with Dr. Gartrell.

"Gartrell's new book gives women important, practical tools for saying "No" gracefully and without guilt. Gartrell covers the basics (parents, dates and mates, friends and work) before moving on to more tricky, emotionally treacherous territory like assault and harassment, doctors and psychologists, and the dying. Including excellent tools and work management advice for women in the military, the advice here will help anyone with a problem saying "No," man or woman."

"She provides case studies of more than 100 accomplished women from diverse backgrounds to demonstrate how they have learned to be assertive in difficult situations and recommends ways of saying no that allow women to be considerate without jeopardizing their well-being. Practical assistance for a prevalent problem; recommended for all libraries."

"...Gartrell emphasizes that being kind and empathetic isn't bad. But women need to establish stronger guilt-deflecting boundaries for their own well-being and sanity. Her book presents specific scenarios and suggests language for women to use when they feel bullied at home, at work, in doctors' offices and in public."

"The book is packed with examples of compromising situations as well as anecdotes from high-profile women who share how they've learned to say no directly and compassionately."

Author Reviews

"Women need to maintain healthy boundaries while also preserving life-giving relationships. Dr. Gartrell tells you exactly how to do just that. This information is essential for all women."

"Dr. Gartrell provides you with practical tools and tips for saying no with confidence and grace."

"NO... So it's only two letters, but that tiny word can make the difference between a small raise and the corner office. The dirty little secret is that when it comes to the workplace you don't have to do everything that is asked of you in order to succeed. In fact, setting realistic expectations for yourself and for the people around you is often the key to professional happiness. My Answer Is NO teaches all of us how to set boundaries and reclaim our self-respect by employing that tiny yet potentially life-changing word."

"This book is like having a great therapist at your side—smart and compassionate with on-the-spot advice on how to set limits in all aspects of your life. Give this book to your daughters as they negotiate their way through school, friendships, and first jobs."

"Sound advice and fascinating insights on why we have trouble setting limits as women. Dr. Gartrell shows us that even the most accomplished women in a countless variety of careers are challenged by saying no, and that they, like the rest of us, can learn to do it with conviction and joy."

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